June 23, 2022 302 AW Airmen embody Agile Combat Employment via aerial firefighting In January 2022, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., signed the service’s first doctrine publication on Agile Combat Employment, presenting expeditionary and multi-capable Airmen who can accomplish tasks in a contested and combat environment. At the 302nd Airlift Wing, Airmen have been
Feb. 8, 2022 403rd Wing develops multi-capable Airmen during "Super UTA" On a spreadsheet akin to an unresolved game of Wordle, the 403rd Wing’s February Super Unit Training Assembly schedule was mapped out in blocks of routine appointments, briefings, and events, but it also included training geared toward supporting the Air Force’s push for multi-capable Airmen.As part
Nov. 1, 2021 Innovative Agile Combat Employment training brings AMUs together at JBER The two-day training fostered the Agile Combat Employment fundamentals by teaching Airmen new aircraft maintenance skills to ensure capabilities in austere or degraded environments.
Sept. 29, 2016 Shock waves of suicide Shock waves produce violent changes. That’s what suicide does. “It's usually devastating to all concerned -- family, friends and coworkers,” said Maj. Jose Jasso, the 301st Fighter Wing suicide prevention program manager.