Oct. 26, 2016 Timberwolves/Lynx academy helps military kids hone hoop skills The 934th Airlift Wing hosted a basketball clinic Oct. 22 at the 934th Fitness Center for nearly 30 children who are dependents of wing members. Special guest Tyus Jones, Minnesota Timberwolves player, joined the clinic and participated as the kids worked through various basketball drills. “It
Oct. 20, 2016 Painting unveiling helps commemorate AF Reserve history Celebrating 100 years of Reserve Airpower, Senior Master Sgt. Darby Perrin, an Air Force artist from the 465th Air Refueling Squadron, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, unveiled a painting at the 2016 World War I Dawn Patrol Rendezvous event October 1, at the National Museum of the United States Air
Oct. 14, 2016 36th AES conducts first Keesler mission Imagine being strapped into the back of a C-130J Super Hercules on a litter, fighting to breathe while being whisked toward a hospital that can provide critical care. Not only are there pilots, navigators and loadmasters ensuring the aircraft makes it to the hospital safely, there are flight nurses
Sept. 30, 2016 Kansas City Chiefs’ cheerleaders visit Keesler Gold and red pom poms shimmered in the Southern sun when National Football League cheerleaders from the Kansas City Chiefs visited Keesler Air Force Base today. Cheerleaders Katrina, Tara, Sarah and Claire (team policy dictates that they don’t share their last names) were here as part of an event
Sept. 29, 2016 Shock waves of suicide Shock waves produce violent changes. That’s what suicide does. “It's usually devastating to all concerned -- family, friends and coworkers,” said Maj. Jose Jasso, the 301st Fighter Wing suicide prevention program manager.
Sept. 27, 2016 October issue of Citizen Airman is now online The October issue of Citizen Airman magazine is available at http://www.citamn.afrc.af.mil/. The cover story reminds reservists that even though state laws regarding marijuana use are changing, weed and the armed forces still don't mix.
Sept. 26, 2016 Chiefs' longtime rivalry still going strong A sit-down interview with two chief master sergeants at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, recently mirrored a casting call for the next rendition of a “Grumpier Old Men” movie. The lightning fast quips and slams shared between Bryan Ford and Robert Wright dates back to the 1980s, when the two lived
Sept. 22, 2016 926th Wing sweeps two AFA awards Members of the 926th Wing traveled to National Harbor, Maryland, to accept Air Force Association awards during a ceremony Monday that kicked off the Air, Space and Cyberspace Conference. The wing was named the Outstanding Air Force Reserve Command Unit of the Year and Lt. Col. Michael Bess, 84th
Sept. 20, 2016 5 graduate from AFRC's first Historian Apprentice Course Dr. James Malachowski, Director of Historical Services, Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command, graduates the first class of the AFRC Historian Apprentice Course at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, Sept. 16, 2016. The students graduating are Staff Sgt. Brittany Kunz, Staff Sgt. Justyne Strohmeyer,
Sept. 16, 2016 Special Forces Marine vet shares his struggle with suicide It is 2004 in Afghanistan and two U.S. special forces servicemembers in civilian clothing armed only with pistols are driving down a road outside Kabul when they notice they are being followed by a truck full of men armed with AK-47 assault rifles and Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers.The Force