Nov. 30, 2016 Final phase of C-17 drag reduction testing underway When it comes to aviation fuel, the C-17 Globemaster III utilization rate makes it stand out as the largest consumer in the Air Force. This is why a team at the 418th Flight Test Squadron has been working for the past year on the Air Force Research Laboratory’s C-17 Drag Reduction Program.
June 7, 2016 Ambassador Emerson visits C-17 crew in Germany John B. Emerson, United States Ambassador to Germany, came abroad the “Spirit of Berlin” C-17 Globemaster III June 1, 2016, during the opening day of the Berlin Air Show.At the event, the C-17 was among many other U.S. and European aircraft, and gave the ambassador and his family a chance to see the
May 31, 2016 Reserve C-17 delivers food aid to Haiti A 445th Airlift Wing C-17 Globemaster III delivered more than 102,000 pounds worth of rice and beans to Haiti May 26, as part of the Denton Program. The food was provided by Kids Against Hunger, a ministry of A Child's Hope International from Cincinnati, Ohio.
April 19, 2016 Charleston Reservists provide tactical airlift at Saber Junction 16 Charleston Reservists fly two C-17 Globemaster IIIs to support the Army at Saber Junction 16 in Europe this month.
March 23, 2016 Women In Aviation Career Day inspires Charleston girls Over 130 middle and high school girls from 12 Lowcountry schools visited Joint Base Charleston March 22 to learn about jobs in aviation as part of the 315th Airlift Wing’s 9th annual Women in Aviation Career Day.
Feb. 8, 2016 Mexico experiences their first C-17 It is extremely rare when a C-17 aircrew, with a combined 173 years of total flight experience, lands in a place they never visited.But yesterday, Reservists from the 315th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. flew a mission supporting the Coast Guard into Bahias de Huatulco, Mexico. “We were
July 15, 2015 315th AW wins big at European air show Recognized for “Best Static Display,” Airmen from the 315th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, delivered military pride, strength and technology with a C-17 at the Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton International Air Day July 11, 2015. The air show marked 75 years of existence