May 13, 2020 Making history, reserve pilot flies the U-2 for the first time For the first time in Air Force history and the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, reservist Maj. Jeffrey Anderson, 99th Reconnaissance Squadron pilot, qualified to fly the U-2 Dragon Lady.
March 11, 2020 Hurricane Hunter squared “I can think back to when I was in pre-school,” said Ashley Lundry. “It’s one of those vague memories that you have. I remember one of the local meteorologists coming into my pre-school class, and she brought a board that had the magnetic weather symbols and talked about the weather. It was a female
March 10, 2020 Guam 'Port Dawgs,' Patriot Express mission is win-win situation Air Force Reserve Airmen from the 44th Aerial Port Squadron here worked with the active duty's 734th Air Mobility Squadron here March 7 to support the first Patriot Express mission to land in Guam.The chartered Patriot Express “rotator” aircraft, which provides a significant cost savings to the
Feb. 18, 2020 Prior fighter pilot, now Port Dawg Staff Sgt. Jim Cagle is not your typical E-5 for a number of reasons. At 6 feet 2 inches tall, he literally stands out, but that is not it. With four stripes on his sleeve, less gray hairs and facial lines (though to be pushing 60 it could be worse) are expected, but that is not it either. When he
Feb. 7, 2020 RESILIENCY: MTI shares journey from Article 15 to stan/eval leader JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas – As a child, her life was less than ideal. Drugs and alcohol everywhere reinforced every negative thing she had come to know and believe. Sudden, recurring changes resulted in changing schools – nine in a dozen years – and left no time to make friends, if that
Jan. 27, 2020 Hawaii Reserve Citizen Airmen help keep power on at Bellows Reserve Citizen Airmen assigned to the 624th Civil Engineer Squadron here provide real-world support at Bellows Air Force Station during a unit training assembly Jan. 25.The work provided an opportunity to accomplish needed equipment maintenance support while performing hands-on upgrade training for
Nov. 26, 2019 Two A-10 pilots receive Distinguished Flying Cross for strikes on Taliban Only seven medals carry more significance than the Distinguished Flying Cross, and, of those, only three are given for combat excellence. One of those three is the Congressional Medal of Honor. In simpler terms--it’s a rare medal.
Nov. 20, 2019 New 403rd Wing Chaplain Before Maj. Bitrus Cobongs became the new 403rd Wing Chaplain, he was a young student from Nigeria attending the Dallas Theological Seminary. His ambition had been to return to Africa to teach, but the events of Sept.11, 2001 led him to join the U.S. military. “That’s how the chaplaincy came to me,”
Nov. 6, 2019 Reserve Citizen Airman from 16 IS prevents suicide attempt, saves young life The morning skies were sunny and clear Saturday, October 6, 2019, as 655th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, 16th Intelligence Squadron, program manager Staff Sgt. Caldwell (first name withheld) was on his way to the monthly unit training assembly.
Oct. 31, 2019 AF reclaims USPA National (Arena) Commander-in-Chief Cup JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-Randolph, Texas – The Air Force reclaimed the U.S. Polo Association National (Arena) Commander-in-Chief Cup, overcoming the Army's valiant efforts during the arena polo tournament held in Poteet and Lockhart, Texas, Oct. 26 and 27.Air Force player Cody Goetz, an Air Force