July 13, 2021 DAF announces the 12 Outstanding Airmen for 2021 An Air Force selection board at the Air Force’s Personnel Center considered 35 nominees who represented major commands, direct reporting units, field operating agencies and Headquarters Air Force. The board selected the 12 Airmen based on superior leadership, job performance and personal
May 12, 2021 Empowered Airmen accelerate change across Air Force Innovation and a forward-looking mindset have long been key aspects of Air Force culture.
April 22, 2021 Air Force rewrites basic doctrine, focuses on mission command, airpower evolution Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. recently signed perhaps the most sweeping change of Air Force basic doctrine in the service’s history, marking a major milestone in the service’s strategic approach to “Accelerate Change or Lose.”
March 31, 2021 Reservist saves motorcyclist's life TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. – A Reservist in training to become a KC-135 Stratotanker pilot saved the life of a local motorcyclist on his way back to Vance Air Force Base, Oklahoma, March 20, 2021.2nd Lt. Max Atkinson, a student pilot in the 71st Student Squadron at Vance AFB and projected to be
March 10, 2021 730th Air Mobility Training Squadron trains the next generation Reservists from the 730th Air Mobility Training Squadron, Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, prepare for a training sortie March 4, 2021. The 730th AMTS is a geographically separated unit of the 507th Operations Group, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, whose mission is to train future KC-135, KC-46 and
March 2, 2021 ADLS training transitions to “myLearning” in first step for new force development learning management system As part of Air Education and Training Command’s efforts to aggressively and cost-effectively modernize education and training, Airmen and Guardians can access the “myLearning” digital platform on the Air Force Portal beginning March 18, with the first phase consisting of a modernized and interactive
Feb. 24, 2021 Reserve recruiters participate in joint air operations at JBSA In-service recruiters from the 352nd Recruiting Squadron participated in a joint Total Force helicopter sling load exercise Jan. 26-27 to enhance their situational awareness of the Air Force Reserve and broaden their understanding of the aerial transportation career field.
Feb. 9, 2021 Senior leaders visit 908th Airlift Wing The commander of Air Force Reserve Command, Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White, AFRC command chief master sergeant, joined the Air Education and Training Command leadership team, Lt. Gen. Brad Webb and Chief Master Sgt. Erik Thompson, for a combined visit to the 908th
Dec. 18, 2020 Reserve instructor pilot earns AETC safety award JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-Randolph, Texas – A Reserve instructor pilot from the 39th Flying Training Squadron here was selected as the Air Education and Training Command Aviation Safety Well Done Award winner for 2020. Maj. Patrick Stewart earned the award through his exceptional skill and ingenuity
Nov. 4, 2020 39th FTS Cobras take over San Antonio Sky, test new pilot training syllabus JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-Randolph, Texas – The 39th Flying Training Squadron Reserve Citizen Airmen took command of San Antonio military airspace to execute a training and readiness exercise called Cobras in the Clouds Oct. 29th at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas.The exercise gave 39th FTS