June 13, 2016 304th RQS partners with federal, civilian emergency responders Air Force reservists from the 304th Rescue Squadron at Portland Air National Guard Base, Ore., train with Oregon and Kentucky National Guard chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives enhanced force response force package members during the Cascadia Rising exercise at Camp
June 10, 2016 Rescue reservists partner with emergency responders Air Force reservists from the 304th Rescue Squadron at Portland Air National Guard Base, Ore., train with Oregon and Kentucky National Guard chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives enhanced force response force package members during the Cascadia Rising exercise at Camp
June 4, 2016 Reserve Rescue Airmen return from Africa U.S. Air Force Reservists assigned to the 306th Rescue Squadron returned to from a four-month deployment to the Horn of Africa June 2.
May 16, 2016 Parachutes fill the skies over Arizona Pararescuemen from the 306th Rescue Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., descend on Eloy, Ariz., during training jumps May 14. The 306th RQSis an Air Force Reserve Command combat search and rescue unit assigned to the 943rd Rescue Group. Pararescuemen, also known as PJs, are the only