Sept. 20, 2021 908th FSS Serves up Success During Exercise The 908th Force Support Squadron conducted an exercise during the unit’s July super Unit Training Assembly at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, that simulated them playing their part as if the wing were to deploy to deliver humanitarian aid to a fictional local populace.The purpose of this exercise
Sept. 13, 2021 908th Airlift Wing remembers 9/11 with flyover Remembering the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, provides little cause to celebrate for the vast majority of United States citizens, including members of the Armed Forces. Many face the day with somber reverence to the memory of all the victims and the heroes that sacrificed themselves that day
Aug. 23, 2021 Yellow Ribbon Program enables Resilience and Reintegration 908th Airlift Wing Yellow Ribbon coordinator discusses the ins and outs of the YR Program and provides vital information for members.
Aug. 5, 2021 New Force Generation model builds high-end readiness, sustainability for Joint Force The Air Force announced today it is in the final phases of transitioning to a new force generation model to balance today’s combatant commander needs while building high-end readiness for the future.
July 19, 2021 Fitness testing signifies a return to “normal” for Reserve Citizen Airmen The 908th Airlift Wing has not held Physical Fitness Assessment testing for its members since March, 2020, due to Center for Disease Control and Department of Defense guidance restricting mass gatherings to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus disease. The situation changed when units across the
June 21, 2021 908th Proves Readiness for Wing’s Largest Deployment during Exercise Auburn Tide For more than a year now the 908th Airlift Wing has been faced with the task of figuring out how to protect its members and their families from COVID-19 while still being able to answer the nation’s call when it comes. One of the first things the wing commander, Col. Craig Drescher, said in
June 7, 2021 908th Crew Chiefs Ensure Aircraft Readiness Crew chiefs from the 908th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 908th Maintenance Squadron played a key role in Auburn Tide, a week-long deployment readiness exercise that took place here in late March.Auburn Tide served to increase the 908th Airlift Wing’s mission readiness as its members prepare
May 28, 2021 Combat Casualties aren’t Always Human The United States military has employed Military Working Dogs since the Revolutionary War; first used as pack animals, advancing to pest control, to today where they see action world-wide helping to safeguard military installations and personnel by detecting explosives and drugs.MWDs have become an
May 21, 2021 Patient Care at forefront as 908th ASTS Participates in Wing-Wide Exercise The 908th Aeromedical Staging Squadron took part in a simulated casualty care exercise here in late March. The exercise took place as part of the larger exercise Auburn Tide, a wing wide demonstration of pre-deployment readiness. The role of the ASTS is to establish and operate aeromedical staging
May 14, 2021 25th APS Hones Air Drop Capabilities during Auburn Tide The 25th Aerial Port Squadron took part in a series of tactical air drops here over the course of a tactical flying week in late March.These drops were part of the larger exercise named Auburn Tide, a wing-wide demonstration of pre-deployment readiness aimed at sharpening the skills of 908th Airmen