Dec. 20, 2024 908th conducts first wing-wide combat readiness exercise in nearly five years The 908th Flying Training Wing held a four-day multi-unit deployment readiness training exercise from Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, 2024, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.The purpose of the exercise was to demonstrate the wing’s ability to excel when exposed to difficult or stressful scenarios.
Aug. 12, 2024 919th SOW faces, overcomes adversity in readiness exercise Citizen Air Commandos took to the air, traversed the ground and braved rough water during a readiness exercise on the Emerald Coast Aug. 5-9, 2024.
July 2, 2024 Colorado reservist granted $2.5M to develop artificial intelligence prototype The 310th Space Wing’s senior intelligence officer has been granted $2.5 million to develop an AI software prototype through the Air Force’s Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Modernization, Automation and Development (IMAD) program to improve space domain awareness using predictive
May 14, 2024 Ready Now: A New Era of Reserve Citizen Airmen Training FLORENCE, Ariz. -- In the sprawling expanse of military training, where preparation meets purpose, a new era of readiness is being written. Reserve Citizen Airmen, traditionally seen hovering over computer-based training, are now gearing up, rifles in hand, en route to an unfamiliar, remote
May 14, 2024 From Theory to Battlefield: 944th FW Tactical Training Redefines Air Force Combat Readiness As the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force unveil comprehensive changes to maintain superiority in the era of Great Power Competition, the 944th Fighter Wing’s Aeromedical Staging Squadron's training on May 8, 2024, at Luke Air Force Base, highlights the practical implementation of these new
April 9, 2024 307th Bomb Wing JAG earns AFRC honor The 307th Bomb Wing Judge Advocate at Barksdale AFB earned the Air Force Reserve Command Outstanding Legal Office of the Year for 2023.
Oct. 18, 2023 AFRC, 10th Air Force leaders visit HARB Lt. Gen. John P. Healy, Chief of the Air Force Reserve and Air Force Reserve Command Commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Israel Nuñez, Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of the Air Force Reserve and Command Chief Master Sgt. of AFRC, visited Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida, Oct. 14 and 15. Brig.
June 2, 2023 Civil engineers survey their mettle, build esprit de corps during 2-week annual tour Approximately 50 members from the 908th Civil Engineer Squadron came together for more than two weeks of annual training split between Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida, and Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, from April 22, 2023, to May 7, 2023. The training covered everything from Air Force
May 24, 2023 AFRC sponsors NIFA SAFECON achievement awards Air Force Reserve Command sponsors prestigious award at NIFA SAFECON 2023.
April 27, 2022 919th SOW member selected as 2022 Airman of the Year for Air Force Reserve An Airman with the 919th Special Operations Wing is the winner of the 2022 Outstanding Airman of the Year for the Air Force Reserve Command.