
Tag: Reserve
  • Fuel systems specialist multi-unit team replaces aircraft fuel cell

    Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 302nd Maintenance Squadron fuel cell shop swapped out a fuel cell from a C-130 aircraft assigned here for the first time in 25 years with the help of technicians from two different wings.
  • Making history, reserve pilot flies the U-2 for the first time

    For the first time in Air Force history and the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, reservist Maj. Jeffrey Anderson, 99th Reconnaissance Squadron pilot, qualified to fly the U-2 Dragon Lady.
  • AFRC Command Team Visits Alabama’s Only Reserve Wing

    Lieutenant Gen. Richard Scobee, Air Force Reserve Command commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White, AFRC command chief master sergeant, spent the March unit training assembly getting to know Reserve Citizen Airmen from Alabama’s only Reserve wing.
  • Space wing reservist earns headquarters award

    A Reserve Citizen Airman with the 380th Space Control Squadron earned the Outstanding Air Reserve Component Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Airman of the Year award for 2019.
  • Reserve commander gives keynote address at A/TA conference

    Maj. Gen. John Flournoy Jr., Air Force Reserve Command deputy commander, was one of the keynote speakers at the Airlift/Tanker Association’s annual conference in Orlando, Florida, Oct. 25.Flournoy was introduced by Gen. Maryanne Miller, commander of the Air Mobility Command and previous AFRC commander. He spoke about the Air Force Reserve’s
  • Air Force announces new officer developmental categories

    In an effort to enhance the officer talent management system and enable tailored and agile development, the Air Force is expanding the single Line of the Air Force promotion category into six distinct developmental categories, senior officials here announced Oct. 21.
  • Airman saves life in Odessa, Texas, amidst mass shooting

    An Air Force Reserve member was working in a civilian capacity in Odessa, Texas, on August 31, 2019, and helped provide life-saving first-aid to a woman suffering from three gunshot wounds.
  • Reserve Citizen Airmen showcase at one of the nation’s biggest air shows

    Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 302nd Airlift Wing arrived at one of the nation’s biggest air shows today to showcase the wing’s special aerial firefighting mission.
  • Reservists conduct urban and water survival training

    Reserve Citizen Airmen with the 302nd Airlift Wing's 731st Operations Group and 34th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron spent three days practicing Survival Evasion and Resistance Escape skills in Key West, Florida, May 21-23.
  • Vietnam era crew chief reunites with his aircraft 40 years later

    William J. Fuselier is a retired Master Sergeant, a Vietnam War Veteran, a Bronze Star recipient, and a former crew chief for the KC-135 Stratotanker, tail number 3543 more than 40 years ago. He recently came to the 459th Air Refueling wing to visit his old aircraft that still holds thousands of pounds of fuel and countless memories.“My tanker was