Oct. 29, 2024 Tinker Talks Podcast: 507th ARW On this edition of the Tinker Talks Podcast, we’re joined by the leadership team for Tinker’s own 507th Air Refueling Wing, Col. Matthew Ghormley, 507th ARW commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Darren Wiseman, 507th ARW command chief. They spoke about the 507th’s mission, vision, priorities, and what it
July 22, 2016 Tinker reservists train in Germany The 507th Logistics Readiness Squadron along with support elements from the 507th Air Refueling Wing, completed a two-week annual tour at Spangdahlem Air Base to train and provide support to the active duty unit.The Citizen Airmen supported the 52nd Logistics Readiness Squadron and got unique
July 19, 2016 Citizen Airmen keep RIMPAC flying high One of the few common threads interwoven between the twenty-six nations and more than 200 aircraft participating in Rim of the Pacific 2016 is the need for fuel; a lot of it.
June 14, 2016 Daddy's home TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Families, friends and Air Force Reserve leaders lined up June 11 to greet thirteen Citizen Airmen of the 507th Maintenance Group here upon returning home from a four-month deployment to Southwest Asia. Master Sgt. Robert Mills of the 507th Maintenance Squadron here
April 6, 2016 Resident "Okie" takes command of 507th Col. Douglas E. Gullion took command of the 507th Air Refueling Wing here April 2, 2016, at a ceremony presided over by Maj. Gen. John C. Flournoy Jr., 4th Air Force commander.Gullion served as the 507th Operations Group commander here for 18 months before taking command of the wing from Col. Brian
March 22, 2016 Crosstalks aimed at improving KC-135 service Experts from the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, the Air Force Reserve, National Guard Bureau and the Legacy Tanker Division conducted a customer support visit here and at two other bases, March 14-18, to listen to unit concerns regarding KC-135 "Statotanker" support and logistics.
Feb. 2, 2016 Congressional staff tour, fly with AFRC Eleven Congressional staff members representing various states around the country learned about the Air Reserve Command aerial refueling mission and more during a wing tour and flight on board a KC-135R Stratotanker here Jan. 19, 2016.In an effort to showcase the Air Force Reserve mission, the
Dec. 30, 2015 Reserve KC-135s to begin upgrades in February KC-135R Stratotankers operated by the 507th Air Refueling Wing are scheduled to be the first Air Force Reserve Command tankers to be retrofitted with the new KC-135 Block 45 upgrade at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex here in February 2016.The latest KC-135 upgrade, called Block 45, will