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Senior Master Sgt. Deana Rossi, the section chief of Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization's Force Management team, was named Air Force Reserve Command's Force Support Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year for 2016. HQ RIO Airmen earn AFRC manpower, personnel awards
Two Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization Airmen earned top spots in the 2016 Air Force Reserve Command Manpower and Personnel Awards.
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Col. Elizabeth Chamberlain, the Individual Mobilization Augmentee to the director of intelligence at 7th Air Force, brings a broad perspective on Air Force life and a specific knowledge of planned targeting to her intelligence community. In addition to her duties as an intelligence officer, this mother of two is a military spouse who actively volunteers with a number of women's leadership organizations, serves as an Air Force Academy Liaison Officer, and is actively involved in her community and kid's school. (U.S. Air Force Photo) Individual Reserve offers unique opportunities to serve
The Individual Reserve program offers service members a flexible way to continue serving.
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