June 5, 2023 Feeling the blues: The 934th Airlift Wing celebrates National Police Week 2023 The 934th Security Forces Squadron recently honored the fallen defenders and currently serving law enforcement personnel during National Police Week.
April 27, 2023 One team, one fight: 934th Airmen collaborate with 133rd Airmen on joint exercise Working side by side, the 934th and 133rd Airmen took part in a joint exercise on April 13, 2023, here. This combined training exercise enhanced their Airmen's readiness in a collaborative environment.
April 26, 2023 Heard but never seen: 934th Airlift Wing command post keeps Airmen in-the-know The 934th Airlift Wing command post is responsible for all alerting, reporting, and working with base operations to manage aircraft and coordinate emergency responses. Everything from deployment orders to incidents on base and threats in the area come through the command post first.
April 10, 2023 An inaugural opportunity: 934th Airlift Wing Airman’s first experience with a presidential visit You never know when an opportunity arises of such scope for the first time in your career that you’d be sharing it with your friends, family and future Airmen down the road, such as assisting in the arrival of the President of the United States.
March 20, 2023 For trainees, first taste of basic doesn't disappoint We definitely do not want to trigger or "stir the pot" on any past digestive MRE memories. We didn't write this story to "curry favors," but what it "boils down to" is, do you remember your first MRE meal?
March 16, 2023 Who let the dog out: 934 ASTS Airman trains therapy dog for wing Everyone deserves emotional support outlets they can turn to in times of need. One of those resources the 934th Airlift Wing Airmen have is Diesel, the 934th Aeromedical Staging Squadron therapeutic dog.
March 9, 2023 You shall not pass: 934 Security Forces Squadron pop security barrier to stop gate runner On a cold January day last year, a silver 2014 Mercedes drove up to the 934th Airlift Wing’s front gate. What happened next was a routine gate stop that evolved into a real-world gate crasher.
July 20, 2022 Reserve Defenders Excel at International Shooting Competition Four Air Force Reserve Command defenders represented the command well at the Danish Army’s annual international shooting competition at Halk Range, Hadersley, Denmark in June.