Jan. 6, 2025 944th FW joins forces for life-saving mission after Hawaii fireworks explosion The mission to safely transport these patients exemplified a seamless joint effort between the Air Force Reserve’s 944th Fighter Wing, the active duty Air Force’s 56th Fighter Wing, the Phoenix Fire Department, and civilian medical professionals.
May 14, 2024 Ready Now: A New Era of Reserve Citizen Airmen Training FLORENCE, Ariz. -- In the sprawling expanse of military training, where preparation meets purpose, a new era of readiness is being written. Reserve Citizen Airmen, traditionally seen hovering over computer-based training, are now gearing up, rifles in hand, en route to an unfamiliar, remote
May 14, 2024 From Theory to Battlefield: 944th FW Tactical Training Redefines Air Force Combat Readiness As the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force unveil comprehensive changes to maintain superiority in the era of Great Power Competition, the 944th Fighter Wing’s Aeromedical Staging Squadron's training on May 8, 2024, at Luke Air Force Base, highlights the practical implementation of these new