July 26, 2021 Department of the Air Force approves special leave accrual for fiscal year 2021 Air Force and Space Force members performing active service, and Reserve and Guard Airmen on Title 10 or Title 32 orders, can now accrue up to 120 days of annual leave for fiscal year 2021 instead of the typical 60 days of leave.
Jan. 11, 2021 The 926th Wing begins rollout of COVID-19 vaccination NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- Airmen at the 926th Wing began administering COVID-19 vaccinations for their Reserve Citizen Airmen during their Unit Training Assembly, Jan. 9, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Dec. 5, 2020 Camp Gulfport opens doors for ROM operations Members from the Air Force Reserve 403rd Wing and the Mississippi Air National Guard units, as well as volunteers from guard units across multiple states work together operating restriction of movement, ROM, named Camp Gulfport, located at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center, Mississippi.
May 7, 2020 302nd Airlift Wing thanks Colorado healthcare workers with flyover Over the last several months, medical personnel, healthcare workers and essential personnel all over the world have been working against one common enemy; COVID-19. In Colorado, as of May 6 there have been 17,830 cases, 2,986 hospitalized and 921 deaths, according to the Colorado Department of
May 3, 2020 Coping with COVID-19; medical mentality Reserve Citizen Airmen cope with the COVID-19 crisis in both their military and civilian careers.
April 2, 2020 AF Reserve assesses the force to support COVID-19 response efforts In order to preserve the nation’s combat readiness, the Air Force is evaluating the status of currently serving Reservists and Individual Ready Reservists, as required, to support COVID-19 response efforts.
March 13, 2020 DoD Directs Stop Movement in response to COVID-19 The Department of Defense issued a stop movement of all personnel to, from or through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention designated Level 3 COVID-19 locations effective March 13 and for the next 60 days. Following Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper’s announcement of new travel restrictions,