Sept. 13, 2022 Mountain Medic 22 exercise embodies total force construct, ends successfully Exercise Mountain Medic 22 wrapped up a few weeks ago after successfully incorporating multiple branches of military, several key players and both Army and Air Force aircraft in Colorado Springs, Aug. 16-26, 2022.
June 6, 2022 Joint and coalition warfighters test tactical expertise during Navy FST-J exercise Airmen from the 505th Combat Training Squadron and 926th Operations Group, Detachment 1, Hurlburt Field, Florida, supported the U.S. Navy Fleet Synthetic Training-Joint exercise, or FST-J.
Feb. 25, 2020 Contingency response experts practice teamwork at Patriot Sands About 500 Airmen, Soldiers, Coast Guardsmen, FBI personnel, and Florida International University’s Florida Advanced Surgical Transport team volunteers trained together on contingency response over five days in Exercise Patriot Sands Feb. 20-23, 2020, here. Contingency response personnel around the
Oct. 18, 2017 Reserve Citizen Airmen undergo intensive pre-deployment training A team of 39 Reserve Citizen Airman Guardian Angels from the 308th Rescue Squadron traveled to Perry, Georgia, Oct. 12, 2017 for an intensive five-day training exercise at the Guardian Centers state-of-the-art urban training facility before gearing up for their upcoming deployment.Supported by two
July 26, 2017 Joint exercise tests active shooter response The 920th Rescue Wing and 45th Space Wing inspection teams worked side-by-side July 25, 2017 as they tested their units' response capabilities in working together to combat an active shooter on the installation.