Feb. 8, 2025 Hurricane Hunters fly atmospheric river missions to improve forecasts During the winter months, the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, commonly known as the “Hurricane Hunters,” shifts their focus to flying atmospheric rivers, which are narrow corridors of concentrated moisture that can bring intense rainfall and cause significant flooding in the western United
Aug. 16, 2024 Improved Atmospheric River forecasts assist West Coast water, emergency managers California’s weather swings between wet and dry periods so it’s critical for the state to have accurate forecasts so they can employ effective water management strategies. To improve these forecasts and help residents of not just California, but several West Coast states, representatives with the
Feb. 10, 2023 Maintaining aircraft for atmospheric river missions To keep the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron aircraft flying at an off-station location, the maintenance personnel bring the equipment needed to operate and work on the aircraft to keep the aircraft operational with them, but some locations present challenges.
Nov. 5, 2022 53rd WRS supports Hurricane Lisa, Atmospheric River reconnaissance Colloquially referred to as the “Hurricane Hunters,” the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron does in fact “hunt” hurricanes and tropical systems in all stages of formation during the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons. While this keeps the squadron alert from mid-May to Nov. 30, they are
Feb. 6, 2020 Hurricane Hunters fly Atmospheric Rivers The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, commonly known as the Hurricane Hunters, are the cornerstone for data gathering efforts within storm environments. When they’re not flying into hurricanes they are providing aerial weather reconnaissance for atmospheric rivers over the Pacific Ocean.