June 26, 2024 Maintainers assist in recruiting efforts As recruiters across multiple Department of Defense military branches struggle to reel in prospects, several members across the 403rd Maintenance Group have taken an active approach in assisting the Air Force Reserve’s 403rd Wing recruiters. Master Sgt. Dustin Kane, 803rd Aircraft Maintenance
Sept. 22, 2020 Johnson brothers ARTs of maintenance missions They are your first best friend and your greatest rival. Your biggest annoyance and your closest confidante. Your own personal bodyguard and your live-in bully. You didn’t choose them, and you’re stuck with them for life. They’re your siblings. Siblings are around for pretty much every major part of
June 17, 2020 Keeping it clean Maintenance members from the 403rd Maintenance Squadron engine shop complete an Engine Compressor Wash of a C-130J Super Hercules.
July 25, 2018 Reserve maintainer perseveres with music, art career From a church pulpit to a stage bar, this former preacher walks into the spotlight. As his fingers dance on the guitar strings, his voice sings tales of pain, perseverance and his journey to exuberance. As if in a trance, the audience hangs on to this every word, and in those moments, this native