WEBVTT 00:01.650 --> 00:07.090 No. Hi you're why ball of the official Marty and remain standing 00:07.130 --> 00:10.300 for the presentation of the color's the playing of the national 00:10.340 --> 00:14.340 anthem by saxophone is michael linked to an end to the. Implication. 00:20.510 --> 00:26.230 The So. To. 00:26.790 --> 00:26.990 Do.. The 00:28.880 --> 00:40.810 The The Uh. 00:42.110 --> 00:43.330 Mm who.. Two. 00:44.810 --> 01:04.890 Two. And. Who. 01:10.190 --> 01:10.730 Mm. Mm. 02:05.000 --> 02:05.680 The. As 02:08.910 --> 02:12.860 Mm and Um.. Mm-Hm. 02:19.310 --> 02:24.630 Mm-hm. And now and And that. 02:27.990 --> 02:34.410 Mm-hm. Uh I'm. Ah. 02:37.700 --> 02:39.010 When. I'm 02:41.450 --> 02:56.600 A The the 02:58.460 --> 02:59.620 The. And 03:11.150 --> 03:27.720 The. That. 03:57.050 --> 03:58.040 Steve no. Oh. 04:07.310 --> 04:08.530 I've been to one we played. 04:10.310 --> 04:13.580 Oprah to freedom. We call this morning to give thanks to the 04:13.580 --> 04:17.530 for by private until care that continues to purse or and sustain 04:17.530 --> 04:18.370 this as a nation. 04:19.050 --> 04:21.510 And for the privilege and honor of serving our country. 04:21.540 --> 04:24.360 This the land of the free and the home of the board. 04:25.340 --> 04:29.980 Brother special day for the a 35 arrival ceremony. We acknowledge 04:29.980 --> 04:34.190 our heritage legacy and the importance of what every member of 04:34.190 --> 04:38.100 our air force family dons to maintain the freedoms our country. 04:38.100 --> 04:39.320 So barely pounds. 04:39.900 --> 04:43.800 And we know all that the work that we're call to do has not diminished. 04:44.480 --> 04:48.880 So as we celebrate the gift of the F 35 hard nations defends today. 04:49.380 --> 04:52.170 And luxury and a new era of combat air power. 04:52.760 --> 04:55.630 Began need that first this plane beat the filled by. 04:56.270 --> 05:00.600 To give our adversaries calls and any post-second fox because 05:00.600 --> 05:04.910 we're of people who seek peace by being strong enough and ready 05:04.910 --> 05:09.820 enough to pursue and defend freedom at any moment and at any time. 05:10.400 --> 05:12.310 So for all of us gathered here today. 05:12.920 --> 05:17.430 Has an air force family brawler deployed troops and all our elected 05:17.430 --> 05:21.860 officials old god continued to guard and guide us and may we 05:21.860 --> 05:26.080 continue to live solve thankfully. But no failure candace tartness. 05:26.320 --> 05:30.540 No frustration can discourage us and no fear can take away from 05:30.540 --> 05:36.120 us integrity service and Exelon's for it to we are and what we 05:36.120 --> 05:40.170 stand for and now provide blessing to rest upon this ceremony 05:40.470 --> 05:44.090 Britain by merciful in mighty main. I poured a. Man. 05:48.380 --> 05:48.940 The seated. 05:53.220 --> 05:58.700 Senior. And we'll introduce the official boring and distinguished. Guests. 06:03.050 --> 06:03.360 What a 06:04.580 --> 06:09.600 Is mata staying honor to introduce the official party for today's ceremony. 06:11.160 --> 06:16.160 Colonel david Bo lions the commander of the three 88 fighter. Weight. 06:23.930 --> 06:28.350 Rain more mean executive vice president and general manager at 06:28.390 --> 06:31.680 35 program lockheed martin. Aeronautics. 06:37.970 --> 06:42.650 The general james jackson chief of air force reserve and the 06:42.650 --> 06:45.270 commander of air force reserve. Command. 06:51.200 --> 06:55.620 Horrible Wall bishop United States house of representatives use 06:55.620 --> 06:56.620 all purse. District. 07:02.270 --> 07:06.470 The all mobile like we United States senate all armed services 07:06.470 --> 07:07.200 committee. Member. 07:12.710 --> 07:16.690 Jill ball for a while the commander of air combat. Command. 07:22.250 --> 07:26.190 The all mobile or and henge president wrote salem of the United 07:26.190 --> 07:26.880 States. Senate. 07:33.590 --> 07:37.270 Toward old Wall in the round that the commander of the four nights 07:37.270 --> 07:37.970 eat by the. Way. 07:43.630 --> 07:46.930 Please also civil war. Welcome tour other distinguished guests 07:46.930 --> 07:47.480 this morning. 07:48.260 --> 07:52.490 Joining guests at today's ceremony are up 35 program executive 07:52.520 --> 07:57.210 officers number to air force commanders your top elected officials 07:57.500 --> 08:01.830 current and former team in all senior leaders honorary commanders 08:02.090 --> 08:05.330 and many other business leaders and military supporters from 08:05.330 --> 08:06.290 our local. Community. 08:14.780 --> 08:18.700 Ladies and gentlemen please we'll go but commander re 80 eighth 08:18.700 --> 08:22.490 fighter wing. Colonel. David be life. It's. A. 08:33.990 --> 08:34.810 Ordered the as a. 08:35.320 --> 08:39.040 Distinguished visitors national state and local leaders. 08:39.840 --> 08:40.760 Fellow commanders. 08:41.750 --> 08:43.360 Ehrman and friends. 08:44.360 --> 08:48.980 Welcome and thank you for being with us to celebrate this momentous occasion. 08:50.270 --> 08:53.210 I'd like to take a quick second that that the team that made 08:53.210 --> 08:53.940 this possible. 08:54.710 --> 08:57.640 But you can imagine there are tons of poster contributed to this 08:57.640 --> 09:00.040 effort and there's no way I can think them all. 09:00.800 --> 09:04.610 The to the protocol teams susan turner julie Schmidt pound IRC 09:04.610 --> 09:08.880 estimated roosters the entire lockheed martin crew beauty drawn 09:08.880 --> 09:13.410 off the hill P. I AOL office are great musicians that 44 burying 09:13.410 --> 09:17.530 you and countless other volunteers we're in your day. Thank. You. 09:25.250 --> 09:25.750 It's a good guy. 09:26.370 --> 09:30.150 I wanna make it we're the Wall I get to stand in for the win speak. 09:31.040 --> 09:34.690 They're a really thousands of people standing on this stage with me. 09:35.510 --> 09:38.300 It starts with the men and women of the three 88 and the for 09:38.300 --> 09:42.730 19 fighter wings who turn oranges deliver mission critical functions 09:42.910 --> 09:44.850 and flybe easyjet every day. 09:45.860 --> 09:49.390 But it doesn't stop there. It expands our mission partners the 09:49.390 --> 09:52.870 70 that they're based wink and a bargain air logistics complex 09:53.120 --> 09:55.760 who deliver critical support to keep us on the time why. 09:56.750 --> 10:00.850 Our families who gets so much are also appeared today. 10:01.550 --> 10:05.470 Our local community which supports this base with an uncommon 10:05.470 --> 10:07.550 devotion stands with me. 10:08.450 --> 10:13.070 Countless bel-air mentor from around our air force who work tirelessly 10:13.070 --> 10:17.960 date in in day out to support the a 45 are here in this moment. 10:18.910 --> 10:21.600 And finally our industry partners are here with me. 10:22.260 --> 10:26.190 They're giving us their best work every day and it shows. 10:27.150 --> 10:29.850 This is an airplane you can all be proud up. 10:30.370 --> 10:33.900 It's a platform that will deliver security for america for decades 10:33.900 --> 10:38.480 to come and one which can adapt to face tomorrow's threats. 10:39.410 --> 10:41.900 We need the a 35 today more than ever. 10:42.620 --> 10:46.620 As our adversaries broke bolder and more lethal and we face them 10:46.620 --> 10:50.210 with a fleet of fighters whose average age is now 27 years. 10:51.060 --> 10:54.940 America's commanders must know that we send our ehrman into harm's 10:54.940 --> 10:58.440 way with the tools necessary to accomplish their missions and 10:58.440 --> 11:01.820 return home safely vats our duty. 11:02.840 --> 11:05.940 The up 35 a survivable legal and adaptable. 11:06.740 --> 11:09.620 The provides a degree of situation awareness and about a space 11:09.620 --> 11:11.270 unlike anything i've ever seen. 11:11.970 --> 11:15.580 And it is proving to be extraordinarily reliable and our early 11:15.580 --> 11:16.470 efforts here until. 11:17.610 --> 11:21.210 Since september sack it. We fought our new jets hard. 11:21.790 --> 11:25.080 We've won it bans handling shortage pushing the jets further 11:25.110 --> 11:26.350 than earlier versions. 11:26.950 --> 11:28.970 We've also flown basic surface attack. 11:29.570 --> 11:33.980 Air to air intercept oppose sharpest attack and light suppression 11:34.020 --> 11:38.880 of the enemy air defenses. We have raced out of the starting block. 11:40.330 --> 11:43.880 The airplanes have met all of our expectations in the air. 11:44.480 --> 11:45.490 But notably. 11:46.110 --> 11:50.690 We've not lost a single flight to a maintenance related issue 11:50.920 --> 11:51.660 thus far. 11:52.440 --> 11:53.740 Not one. 12:02.430 --> 12:08.280 Balding. And boil away a by just how well arik 45 set performed 12:08.310 --> 12:09.630 in their earliest days. 12:10.440 --> 12:14.500 Obviously we won't be able to stay perfect forever. But if our 12:14.500 --> 12:16.120 first month is any indication. 12:16.820 --> 12:17.410 This is a jet. 12:17.930 --> 12:19.370 Is gonna be a workforce. 12:20.380 --> 12:23.860 Let me and by saying I think the most important endorsement by 12:23.860 --> 12:25.080 can provide is this. 12:25.610 --> 12:29.850 Iphone mister playing and I am a firm believer in its capabilities. 12:30.500 --> 12:35.520 The of 35 lightning is the future of tactfully aviation. 12:36.360 --> 12:40.360 To the men and women and teen no tight your chin straps because 12:40.790 --> 12:41.610 fight song. 12:42.130 --> 12:43.710 Let's get it done. Thank. You. 12:55.430 --> 12:58.200 Please welcome to the podium miss mole rained. More. 13:07.040 --> 13:09.940 Of the that's very hard to follow but they you for those words 13:10.380 --> 13:14.290 of good morning to everyone here senator hessen it'd be cumbersome 13:14.290 --> 13:18.190 bishop general carlisle general clogged in my partner and the 13:18.190 --> 13:21.740 leader of us all thank you all for being here. Janet jackson 13:21.740 --> 13:23.190 credit lines and Colonel rat. 13:23.930 --> 13:27.410 Lift I'm extremely honored to be here in front of you here today. 13:28.440 --> 13:31.000 Since i've landed just yesterday and I know i've been to tell 13:31.000 --> 13:33.950 a couple times that's its islandic yesterday you can really feel 13:34.200 --> 13:37.640 the air 35 it's like in in the air and you can really feel how 13:37.640 --> 13:41.850 much the feel community loves this aircraft and we've only just started. 13:42.470 --> 13:44.820 I actually have to share a little story with you this morning. 13:44.850 --> 13:47.990 I was with my team getting some tea of one of the shops year 13:48.370 --> 13:50.800 and a young man behind the counter saw the things that we are 13:50.800 --> 13:54.530 wearing and commented on them and he did so with such a excitement 13:54.920 --> 13:59.140 and sex in the zia's of but then you continue to school me a 13:59.450 --> 14:03.820 order of the capabilities of the year cracked um it was quite fun. 14:05.020 --> 14:08.920 Um I I will say that so I'm another share with you whether he 14:08.920 --> 14:12.170 told me anything but I was there was an enlightening conversation. 14:12.200 --> 14:15.920 So I'm it was really fun to just feel the excitement that's in 14:15.920 --> 14:17.060 the ear here at no. 14:18.020 --> 14:20.950 No i've been part of this journey for a long time and air power 14:20.950 --> 14:21.830 has the ball. 14:22.470 --> 14:26.890 I'm from the first pete 38 lightning sitting outside your today 14:27.230 --> 14:31.060 the at 16 conducting sorties every day and he'll it's been on 14:31.060 --> 14:33.170 the leading edge of balding with it. 14:33.710 --> 14:37.370 What started off as a little more than a runway and a handful 14:37.400 --> 14:39.770 of buildings to support the army your work. 14:40.670 --> 14:45.750 Operations back in 19 34 has grown to be the world class support 14:45.780 --> 14:49.440 and make its facility and the home of the fight finest fighter 14:49.440 --> 14:52.430 wanes in the entire air force. Thank. You. 14:57.770 --> 15:00.830 As we continue to a bolder committed lucky martin used to help 15:00.830 --> 15:05.450 continued his legacy by delivering duty at 35 K like me too. 15:06.230 --> 15:10.310 Virtually undetected by its enemies the up 35 day provides the 15:10.310 --> 15:12.460 air Force's decisive edge in the battle. 15:12.990 --> 15:17.710 It is agile personnel high performing nina G multi role fighter 15:17.870 --> 15:21.930 that provides and that's capability an unprecedented situation 15:22.030 --> 15:22.580 where it's. 15:23.330 --> 15:27.540 It'd be uncensored package will gather in processed power open 15:27.540 --> 15:31.490 system architecture and distribute more information than any 15:31.610 --> 15:32.840 fighter in history. 15:33.650 --> 15:38.270 It has for men just communication links and makes the up 35 indispensable force. 15:38.270 --> 15:42.060 Multiplier couple man defense julie and cold issue were prayer 15:42.250 --> 15:44.630 and major combat operations around the world. 15:45.610 --> 15:49.100 The up 35 a brings unparalleled performance to any theatre in 15:49.130 --> 15:53.130 any conflict and against any threat when we will need it most. 15:53.780 --> 15:57.180 It is truly revolutionary and Wall I hope it will never be needed 15:57.180 --> 16:00.850 in combat I'd take a lot of comfort in the knowledge it will 16:00.850 --> 16:04.320 be ready for the fight and as the curls just said the fight is on. 16:05.140 --> 16:08.110 But if I like to maintain as we hear they will the feared by 16:08.110 --> 16:10.620 their adversaries who dare fly against them. 16:11.750 --> 16:14.350 As much as we look for to the future here. It is important to 16:14.350 --> 16:15.280 briefly look back. 16:16.040 --> 16:19.400 Hale has a rich history of the at 16 the world's greatest fourth 16:19.400 --> 16:22.350 generation fighter and lockheed martin is on or. 16:22.980 --> 16:25.730 That the fighting Falcon has been in a part of this community 16:25.730 --> 16:27.010 for the past decade it's. 16:27.580 --> 16:31.000 We're proud of this heritage and of our partnership and with 16:31.040 --> 16:34.200 every expectation that team helpless at a new standard would 16:34.200 --> 16:37.920 be a 35 a combat readiness and she did with yet sixteen. 16:39.290 --> 16:42.250 It is no secret that the success of the by per relies on a much 16:42.250 --> 16:43.220 more than an aircraft. 16:43.800 --> 16:47.760 Is the fighter pilots and maintain its we've been training operating 16:47.790 --> 16:51.070 and deploying from hale for decades that made it the best ever. 16:52.030 --> 16:55.810 With addition of your at 35 days we're confident that history 16:55.980 --> 16:57.100 will repeat itself. 16:57.920 --> 17:01.080 And we're extremely pleased and honored to be part of this continuing 17:01.080 --> 17:03.910 partnership year old lee for the next 50 years. 17:04.830 --> 17:07.880 Like you don't hear it on the up 35 operation of bases nothing 17:07.880 --> 17:12.070 short of world class facilities the team. You've assembled it 17:12.070 --> 17:13.180 is all from our call. 17:13.750 --> 17:16.960 You a Marty flown sorties over the utah testing training range 17:17.170 --> 17:20.350 and maintain as a becoming experts with the jets. We know there 17:20.350 --> 17:23.790 is many would many roads to travel and we will be by your side. 17:24.550 --> 17:27.630 There is a spirited here and feel like nowhere else. 17:28.160 --> 17:30.000 And it's in everything you do. 17:30.890 --> 17:34.130 Colonel lines it is great to see get three ford fighters progress 17:34.390 --> 17:37.920 that rude to Ram that had stronger than ever. I got to meet Rudy 17:37.920 --> 17:39.980 in Ramsey your hair earlier today. 17:40.820 --> 17:44.320 Along would then and the total team of talented many women of 17:44.320 --> 17:47.550 the three to 88 the for 19 fighter wings. They represent the 17:47.550 --> 17:50.220 total force. Integrated second to not. 17:51.280 --> 17:54.260 They embody the best air combat command and the air force reserves 17:54.260 --> 17:58.640 have to offer cygnet buying combat ready airpower across the world. 17:59.750 --> 18:02.050 Your team aided. I've been like just its complex are are the 18:02.050 --> 18:04.980 playing a critical role in the up 35 program here today. 18:05.530 --> 18:07.830 And if you didn't know what we have more than a hundred and 50 18:07.830 --> 18:11.600 jets flying across america and no one in italy and a the cumin 18:11.600 --> 18:14.720 like accumulated more than 40000 hours today. 18:15.500 --> 18:16.620 There are outstanding or. 18:17.150 --> 18:20.480 Over the devil and their upgrades on the modifications not only 18:20.480 --> 18:23.990 for the a 35 days but recently for two with a 35 these to support 18:23.990 --> 18:27.690 the ring for liberally enabled that the U.S. bring cortical ios 18:27.690 --> 18:28.800 see earlier the sheer. 18:29.340 --> 18:32.120 They will play a critical role as we also that on the path to 18:32.230 --> 18:34.240 air for science see next year. 18:35.330 --> 18:39.170 There's today I had the honor BT Burke and hide in and some of 18:39.170 --> 18:42.950 his employees at age UK era structures that just up the road 18:42.950 --> 18:47.080 here in their field. I the first and I'm observation of the amazing 18:47.080 --> 18:50.440 facilities that they built their for the at 35 wing skin to an 18:50.440 --> 18:54.400 80 cases one of the many industry partners here in utah area 18:54.700 --> 18:57.580 that are helping build each and every aircraft that we put off 18:57.580 --> 19:00.680 the production line here in italy and seen in japan. 19:01.410 --> 19:05.360 This industry is blazing new trails not only in technology but 19:05.360 --> 19:08.510 also in partnership in support of this world by program. 19:09.510 --> 19:12.440 It's a big it is a difference you can see in every Street corner. 19:13.000 --> 19:16.160 And every store Windows around the base it is a different you 19:16.160 --> 19:16.710 can feel. 19:17.510 --> 19:20.020 The pride the residents of this community have propeller pore 19:20.020 --> 19:23.970 spaces embody game in goes in our audience your today and in 19:23.970 --> 19:26.290 the cities and communities surrounding the base. 19:26.820 --> 19:30.030 To them the people here are like sons and daughters. 19:31.280 --> 19:34.820 And brothers and sisters they're proud to have killed as in the 19:34.820 --> 19:37.910 neighborhood and on behalf of the entire lockheed martin team 19:37.940 --> 19:40.170 or humble to be a small member of the family. 19:41.040 --> 19:43.740 I want you to know that your spirit extend. Well beyond the borders 19:43.740 --> 19:45.170 of the great Lakes of the tout. 19:45.940 --> 19:49.040 As it travels to our industry partners all the way around the 19:49.070 --> 19:52.570 world to art teammates of the joint program office and to Fort 19:52.570 --> 19:53.420 worth texas. 19:54.200 --> 19:57.570 It's ingrained in the passion and dedication of more than 6000 19:57.570 --> 20:02.460 engineers aircraft designers. But annex and test pilots who work 20:02.460 --> 20:04.150 at airports plant foreign for work. 20:04.870 --> 20:06.740 Like you they believe in the cause of freedom. 20:07.730 --> 20:10.770 And dedicate their lives to supporting warfighters and keeping 20:10.770 --> 20:11.220 them say. 20:12.080 --> 20:15.630 Many of them were in the air force and their veteran to search 20:15.630 --> 20:16.660 for your time mikhail. 20:17.420 --> 20:20.240 I like it to you as i've spoken to them than been so proud about 20:20.240 --> 20:23.250 their time here. It failed and it made it extra special for them 20:23.450 --> 20:26.870 in building your first initial aircraft and all that will follow. 20:27.890 --> 20:31.370 Finally after the ceremony I ask everyone to look closely at 20:31.370 --> 20:32.580 these remarkable aircraft. 20:33.150 --> 20:36.670 If you do I have no diet that you will see the fingerprints. 20:37.360 --> 20:41.410 Of the hard working dedicated ever 35 military and contractor 20:41.410 --> 20:44.130 team from around the world in printed in their skin. 20:45.030 --> 20:48.050 They are now delivered to you with the knowledge by everyone 20:48.050 --> 20:51.570 on the programme they now belong to the greatest air force the 20:51.570 --> 20:52.540 world has ever known. 20:53.630 --> 20:56.810 I considered a great lake rich to be here today and to welcome 20:56.810 --> 21:01.930 you to the first of your three 70 to combat ready at 35 days 21:02.160 --> 21:03.310 to kill air force base. 21:03.930 --> 21:07.340 Thank you for everything and as always aim high. Thank. You. 22:58.720 --> 23:01.520 Yet Doherty is showing for all platform. 23:03.070 --> 23:05.810 That will serve interviews you can use that he's. Gone. 23:09.680 --> 23:10.630 Like that should. 23:11.220 --> 23:16.310 Or forced golfers labeled that is they go. Air. 23:16.900 --> 23:22.040 Dissertation. Last there's or so right so the jedi that's you 23:22.040 --> 23:23.660 start to the baby of the things. 23:24.530 --> 23:28.290 All of the package that could take a bite to be given me in his 23:28.290 --> 23:29.590 most test. Space. 23:36.680 --> 23:37.220 This will. 23:37.760 --> 23:43.130 Why. It it for the war face it. Poorly. Yeah there are five for. You. 24:14.160 --> 24:17.670 Ladies and gentlemen please. Welcome general james. Jackson. 24:26.090 --> 24:30.070 Bill de I feel like rockstar after that you did did know pretty incredible. 24:30.860 --> 24:34.980 But that's a a a round of applies for that incredible lockheed 24:34.980 --> 24:37.840 martin production minded you got to see the bird began at video 24:38.080 --> 24:40.020 without bandits that jet. Aircraft. 24:46.670 --> 24:49.650 They also I'd be the main with here. This generation podium right 24:49.650 --> 24:51.110 nose up and down with good to go. 24:51.830 --> 24:55.030 Aw creme fraiche eight. What did you got. Well. 24:57.990 --> 25:04.980 No. And a By very good to be here to make just a few too short comments. 25:05.650 --> 25:09.410 With isn't a slate is because I have behind me but once again 25:09.410 --> 25:12.170 thank you very much the octavia make just a few promised the 25:13.200 --> 25:17.140 Air combat command and air forces are command every long and 25:17.140 --> 25:20.250 strong tradition of teamwork here that hill air force base. 25:21.050 --> 25:24.680 The three and a fortnight the fighter ones with the very first 25:24.680 --> 25:26.810 she has applied combat quoted at sixty. 25:27.450 --> 25:31.070 And continuing to leave the weight today whether newest generation five. 25:32.000 --> 25:35.860 I'm not sure how many of you know what our for 19 here recently 25:35.860 --> 25:37.750 celebrated his sixtieth anniversary. 25:38.260 --> 25:42.600 Just a few weeks ago any within the airport user your abortions 25:42.600 --> 25:46.190 are we have all over a level headed citizen airmen here to support 25:46.240 --> 25:46.570 the fight. 25:47.900 --> 25:51.680 Well the classic association with a three 80 has been in place. 25:52.300 --> 25:53.850 For fear shortly years. 25:54.570 --> 25:57.980 These two great Wang's never working side by side for more than 25:57.980 --> 25:58.800 30 years. 25:59.590 --> 26:03.710 The for 90 in the 3D have been team gone every single continues 26:03.710 --> 26:06.040 the operation says 2000 and seven. 26:06.740 --> 26:07.800 And support of all we out. 26:08.620 --> 26:09.140 Ally of. 26:09.650 --> 26:12.130 Its of all the farm institute they come aor. 26:13.760 --> 26:19.990 I'm unsafe the from Augusta 2007 until october 2080 was extremely impressive. 26:20.570 --> 26:24.460 Because these two winds completed back to back tourists including 26:24.460 --> 26:27.050 more than 400 consecutive days a Paula. 26:28.130 --> 26:32.440 Throughout the 15 month period. They flew more than 5000 combat 26:32.440 --> 26:33.250 missions together. 26:33.800 --> 26:37.780 With over 20000 hours is aborted comeback commanders in the fight. 26:38.840 --> 26:42.160 Battle command and the teamwork continues here today. 26:42.920 --> 26:46.490 As we bring the newest generation of fighters saran here dealt. 26:47.570 --> 26:51.960 The yeah 35 provide just critical combat capability they'll keep 26:51.960 --> 26:54.590 those the very best air force on the plan. 26:55.520 --> 27:00.230 However. As lorraine in detroit in mentioned earlier we all know 27:00.260 --> 27:01.990 it is our chairman that make the difference. 27:02.560 --> 27:05.580 Today we're building a future force. We meet. 27:06.500 --> 27:09.480 Now only one that relies upon the new technology behind me but 27:09.480 --> 27:13.460 also leverage Izzy experience in this synergy we have here a 27:13.460 --> 27:15.450 pill as a told or steam. 27:16.460 --> 27:17.100 In closing. 27:17.930 --> 27:20.360 To the men one of the for 19 and that's radiated. 27:21.090 --> 27:24.240 Thank you for your continued hard work dedication and commitment. 27:24.970 --> 27:28.590 John paul and I are very proud of you more than 30 years of line. 27:28.590 --> 27:33.380 Yes 16 Falcon sphere and yell and we know it's you bring a 35 27:33.380 --> 27:34.050 on separate out. 27:34.780 --> 27:36.760 You'll be nothing short of spectacular. 27:38.060 --> 27:38.490 They're men. 27:39.320 --> 27:41.900 They is all you every single day to defend our nation. 27:42.550 --> 27:45.130 Dough cala and I are probably. Thinking. 27:52.960 --> 27:56.350 Please welcome to the podium the all the rubble. Bishop. 28:05.660 --> 28:09.430 This up arrival ceremony today is a great day for nation. 28:09.920 --> 28:12.850 It says that our nation is not going to be more secure or and 28:12.850 --> 28:15.940 also says that our foreign policy is going to be more viable. 28:16.570 --> 28:21.470 It's also a great day for geller for space. It says of this basis 28:21.470 --> 28:25.170 not just important for community. It is also bible this nation 28:25.200 --> 28:26.430 an important for this match. 28:27.050 --> 28:30.780 The fact this plane is here is a statement of the dedicated workforce. 28:30.780 --> 28:34.220 So we have here both civilian and military. The fact this play 28:34.220 --> 28:37.190 news here is a statement of how important our communities are 28:37.190 --> 28:40.780 in the sport of our military as part of our military operation. 28:41.620 --> 28:44.970 The fact that I am here with my fellow senators when I'm fellas 28:44.970 --> 28:48.620 on the two senators but also my colleague kind Stewart as well 28:48.620 --> 28:51.420 as the commissioners and the mayors and the like an official 28:51.420 --> 28:55.210 from being the leaders all of us here says something significant 28:55.590 --> 28:59.550 about this playing and about this space. I am grateful fall the 28:59.550 --> 29:02.910 people who work at this base and for you do. I am grateful for 29:02.910 --> 29:06.680 the community around this area. I am grateful for the industry 29:06.680 --> 29:09.550 that produce the plan. I'm grateful for the air force the product 29:09.550 --> 29:13.310 you together because killer force based is not just nerf for space. 29:13.590 --> 29:17.250 It's a connector it is what to mind and brings our communities 29:17.250 --> 29:21.330 together our people together with common purpose and a common 29:21.330 --> 29:25.570 vision and for all of you who've provided that I think you and 29:25.570 --> 29:28.590 brawl view who provided this plane that makes my life and the 29:28.590 --> 29:30.820 lives of my key it's more secure work. 29:31.380 --> 29:32.700 It's a thank you. Thank. You. 29:42.290 --> 29:46.040 Ladies and gentlemen please walpole the all the rubble mike. Leigh. 29:54.680 --> 29:57.560 Thank you very much in the morning. It's an honor to be here 29:57.560 --> 29:59.610 with you date and kill air force base. 30:00.380 --> 30:05.810 I will begin by thanking everyone knew plays or role here a. 30:06.530 --> 30:10.330 In making he all the very best air force base in the entire country. 30:11.180 --> 30:14.910 And in that includes the leaders and the representatives of air 30:14.910 --> 30:17.340 combat command and air forces stay MIT center. 30:18.120 --> 30:21.360 All members the you to congressional delegation who were serving 30:21.360 --> 30:23.200 in washed in local and state clears. 30:23.770 --> 30:25.640 And of course all the service members. 30:26.200 --> 30:29.780 All the civilians and contractors without home none of this will 30:29.780 --> 30:30.530 be possible. 30:31.850 --> 30:34.250 The success of the United States are services. 30:35.140 --> 30:39.380 As always depended not only on the extraordinary bravery of our 30:39.410 --> 30:43.300 men and women in uniform who service but also won the superiority 30:43.480 --> 30:44.460 of our technology. 30:45.170 --> 30:48.790 In one theatre after another we haven't just out bought our enemy. 30:49.180 --> 30:53.290 We've also out innovated our enemy and that's been a key to our success. 30:54.650 --> 30:57.760 And when it comes the in abating casting training. 30:58.400 --> 31:03.590 Maintaining. America's aircraft missiles and avionics northern 31:03.590 --> 31:05.020 utah has long than. 31:05.530 --> 31:06.470 Our nation's leader. 31:07.610 --> 31:11.880 Everyone here knows that there's no shortage of national security 31:11.880 --> 31:14.740 threats that are currently facing the United States. 31:15.620 --> 31:19.530 And you know how quickly and how on predictably those threats 31:19.530 --> 31:21.200 skin she up and up all. 31:21.950 --> 31:25.420 But today I'd like to focus on the national security threats 31:25.710 --> 31:28.720 that come from just one region of the world the western pacific. 31:29.850 --> 31:32.890 And I'd like to talk to you about what they mean for bay hill 31:32.890 --> 31:35.090 air force base community. Right here. 31:36.250 --> 31:38.900 In the senate and a member of the armed services committee and 31:38.900 --> 31:42.550 we recently held a hearing that touched on many of the challenges 31:42.960 --> 31:47.450 and opportunities of maritime security in the western pacific. 31:48.450 --> 31:51.940 It around the western pacific region burst nearly half of the 31:51.940 --> 31:53.020 world's population. 31:53.590 --> 31:58.400 Roughly one point two trillion dollars of ship or no trade passes 31:58.790 --> 32:03.510 through its waters every year and it does so on its way to American shores. 32:04.440 --> 32:07.680 And coming years. The siri will only become more important that 32:07.680 --> 32:10.900 the U.S. economy is we've rely more and more on trade from this region. 32:11.740 --> 32:14.830 But the same time the stability of the region is something that 32:14.830 --> 32:16.830 we're seeing is becoming increasingly fall. 32:17.810 --> 32:18.760 It seems like every week. 32:19.400 --> 32:23.340 There's a new story in the knows about our geopolitical akbar series. 32:23.900 --> 32:27.360 Aggressively asserting themselves in the air and the waters of 32:27.360 --> 32:28.250 the western pacific. 32:28.980 --> 32:33.030 Challenging conventional freedoms of passage in sovereignty of 32:33.090 --> 32:34.460 those who prefer ski area. 32:35.900 --> 32:39.190 There can be disagreements between people of would fade. 32:39.720 --> 32:43.170 About how we should respond to such provocations and other security 32:43.170 --> 32:45.460 concerns in that region and around the globe. 32:46.400 --> 32:50.300 But this much is absolutely undeniable that the United States 32:50.300 --> 32:53.810 faces the most tactically diversified threading pharma that we've 32:53.810 --> 32:55.450 seen in recent memory. 32:56.960 --> 33:01.170 And It's made all the more challenging buyer ever series. 33:01.740 --> 33:04.940 Stead best commitment to developing weapons with the sole purpose 33:05.190 --> 33:09.110 of denying our ability and our right to operate freely around 33:09.110 --> 33:09.540 the world. 33:11.000 --> 33:14.550 As I said in that hearing and i've listened to witness testimonies 33:14.550 --> 33:18.450 about the complexity and the gravity of the problems in just 33:18.450 --> 33:21.760 this one part of the world like get thinking this is exactly 33:21.930 --> 33:23.840 why we have the a 30 five. 33:24.930 --> 33:29.360 And it's exactly why the work that you well to hear it he'll use. 33:29.360 --> 33:30.670 So vitally important. 33:31.270 --> 33:32.540 To our national security. 33:33.260 --> 33:36.800 In the coming here is the tactics and practices that will be 33:36.800 --> 33:39.540 developed on be a 35 firefighter wings. 33:40.050 --> 33:43.940 Will ensure that our combat forces are able to protect the security 33:44.070 --> 33:46.110 and the economic interests of the United States. 33:46.640 --> 33:50.150 In the safest and in the most effective ways possible. 33:51.150 --> 33:54.670 And the station of the first operational a 30 fives that hill. 33:55.310 --> 33:57.730 Is complemented by the work that will be gone. 33:58.370 --> 34:03.140 On be a 35 right here at the Akimoto air logistics complex. 34:04.160 --> 34:08.650 Early 70% of a life cycle cost of an aircraft comes after its purchase. 34:09.460 --> 34:14.350 One we See that the way Erin that care and that a of it becomes 34:14.350 --> 34:16.130 on aircraft for training and combat. 34:16.770 --> 34:18.350 A that requires upkeep. 34:18.860 --> 34:21.110 Which is why villages ditched complex is so quiet will. 34:21.610 --> 34:25.030 Not just to be are forced and the success of military actions overseas. 34:25.030 --> 34:27.800 But also to america's fiscal. Well being. 34:28.890 --> 34:33.460 The up 35 79 as A our our investments in our nation's future 34:33.570 --> 34:37.590 and security and prosperity and it's the duty of all of us those 34:37.590 --> 34:41.060 who serve era they all those serving elsewhere the air force 34:41.430 --> 34:42.600 and those of us in congress. 34:43.130 --> 34:46.620 To make sure that those investments roof to be worthwhile. 34:48.050 --> 34:51.310 When I look at it he you'll hear day and I'm just see that men 34:51.410 --> 34:52.030 and women. 34:52.660 --> 34:56.540 Of the air force the men and women envelope that or the backbone. 34:57.080 --> 34:59.530 Of the United States ear force. I also see. 35:00.320 --> 35:03.920 Families and I see communities the spouses in prayer parents 35:03.920 --> 35:08.130 of children brothers and sisters neighborhoods congregations 35:08.170 --> 35:09.240 and local businesses. 35:09.770 --> 35:13.470 The support all walking and who understand that america's national 35:13.470 --> 35:17.510 security depends on what takes place here until air force base 35:18.000 --> 35:20.200 and at the Akimoto here logistics complex. 35:21.330 --> 35:25.390 I believe it's going to take every ounce of effort and every 35:25.390 --> 35:26.380 ounce of for two. 35:27.000 --> 35:29.970 On behalf of everyone fault here in the are the kill air force 35:29.970 --> 35:30.750 based community. 35:31.290 --> 35:34.780 Of the men and women serving fear to me and to overcome the threats 35:34.810 --> 35:38.560 that our country will face in the coming years and in the coming jackets. 35:39.310 --> 35:42.880 And that's why no matter what dangers are lurking in the shadows 35:42.880 --> 35:43.420 of the future. 35:44.100 --> 35:47.200 I have no doubt that the men and women here today. 35:47.870 --> 35:50.410 And the families and communities to support them. 35:51.080 --> 35:52.000 Will rise to the moment. 35:52.750 --> 35:57.200 And meet the challenge just as you'd down so many times in the past. 35:57.420 --> 35:58.150 Thank you very. Much. 36:08.130 --> 36:12.060 Please welcome to the state the huge all military academy wire 36:12.210 --> 36:14.970 and the we burst state university chain burka. Wire. 37:28.910 --> 37:29.330 The. The 37:36.270 --> 37:48.910 The The 37:50.420 --> 38:07.680 The All.. Yeah. 38:15.050 --> 38:25.130 Yeah. This is a eighty. 38:26.600 --> 38:36.260 So. Oh oh the. Maybe. 38:38.460 --> 38:39.450 Oh yeah. 38:40.640 --> 38:43.520 Oh. And 38:50.630 --> 38:56.870 A Mm-hm. Um.. Um. 38:57.650 --> 39:06.690 Um. And the In.. Yes. 39:17.090 --> 39:27.520 Yes. Yeah. Nice. 39:31.130 --> 39:46.600 I He. Oh. 39:48.180 --> 39:55.990 Oh. Oh a He. 39:57.590 --> 40:09.120 Mm-hm. II you. Oh. Yeah. Yes. E.. Mm-Hm. 40:10.820 --> 40:18.610 Mm-hm. A a. A 41:08.390 --> 41:11.830 Ladies and gentlemen please. Welcome general flock. Carlisle. 41:25.340 --> 41:25.560 But it. 41:26.310 --> 41:28.830 The mori everyone's. Great here. I got the timing right finally 41:28.830 --> 41:32.610 and I made it so that's a very positive for me given the challenges 41:32.610 --> 41:35.760 that I faced over the last couple of days of this is a great 41:35.760 --> 41:37.990 honor for me to be part of this today center had. 41:38.570 --> 41:42.720 Center late passion bishop kind when Stewart taller elected national leadership. 41:43.280 --> 41:46.690 This day women than possible without you thank you for making 41:46.690 --> 41:50.310 this a reality and for helping us get to this point a with this 41:50.310 --> 41:54.210 incredible program in this incredible where plan also miss lorraine 41:54.210 --> 41:58.210 more um martin that the dead hour crisp. I've been to the team 41:58.210 --> 42:02.070 more to to have developed in the industry partners with rj po 42:02.070 --> 42:06.830 is spectacular uh the key to work continued success is our partnership 42:07.230 --> 42:10.530 and I can Tae much appreciate how closely you work together and 42:10.530 --> 42:12.710 you work with all of us out here that are gonna employed this 42:12.710 --> 42:15.730 airplane in the future. Uh uh. Thank you very much again this 42:15.730 --> 42:18.760 they would've been possible without all of you here the dollar 42:18.760 --> 42:22.570 just anger says avail airship industry. Partners. My fellow commanders 42:22.920 --> 42:25.660 a and everyone to was state the most importantly the men women 42:25.660 --> 42:29.050 hell are for space uh. I am really excited to be part of this 42:29.050 --> 42:29.860 historic event. 42:30.410 --> 42:33.700 And I think like everyone else in the audience today. I was very 42:33.730 --> 42:35.740 eagerly awaiting the stay to be here. 42:37.240 --> 42:40.690 A previous bakers of our to talk about the at 35 many a capable 42:40.690 --> 42:43.280 is all talk about a little bit but of will delay from too much 42:43.690 --> 42:46.720 but I will tell you that the fighter pilot me is saying main 42:47.050 --> 42:51.140 have really wish I was sitting here see been ready to fight this airplane. 42:51.770 --> 42:55.880 I actually ask an alliance iffy with the considered trading places 42:55.880 --> 42:56.400 with me. 42:57.250 --> 42:59.170 Not surprisingly he said no. 43:00.160 --> 43:02.810 I tried another tacked. I told 'em I still had control of his 43:02.810 --> 43:04.880 future and he still said no so. 43:05.620 --> 43:08.590 And tells you something about the good those fair point and finance. 43:09.790 --> 43:12.500 The commander inmates even more said it though because when even 43:12.750 --> 43:16.420 at 35 now more than ever the car stayed in world affairs that 43:16.420 --> 43:17.790 was right briefly referenced. 43:18.330 --> 43:21.620 Represent perhaps the most complex and challenging environment. 43:21.960 --> 43:25.310 I believe our nation's ever faced with respect to national security 43:25.310 --> 43:27.560 challenges across the spectrum. 43:28.330 --> 43:31.150 If you like it just what we're facing today whether to rise and 43:31.150 --> 43:33.970 fight that we're still trying to fight against the Taliban its 43:33.970 --> 43:38.300 Islamic state in iraq and syria. It's Yemen. It's libya. It's nigeria. 43:38.760 --> 43:42.510 It's the russians in syria to the russians and the ukraine it's 43:42.510 --> 43:44.010 not that all north korea. 43:44.920 --> 43:47.070 It's that they are save aggressively trying to. 43:47.590 --> 43:50.860 The reclaim land and build a the ability to defend their nine 43:50.860 --> 43:54.510 dash why the security challenge. We face today are great because 43:54.510 --> 43:57.720 they've ever van and our nation's history in my opinion. 43:58.340 --> 44:01.160 Yes 35 is a key to keep us on top of that threat. 44:01.780 --> 44:04.560 The few center suede takes think that's an end. 44:05.360 --> 44:09.290 Incredible C likes. The precision strike if the bill is hereby 44:09.290 --> 44:13.680 represents give us the ability the door to the term dissuade 44:13.760 --> 44:17.590 and men required to defeat any adversary anywhere any time. 44:18.810 --> 44:21.320 Another part of this program this incredible of fortnum a is 44:21.320 --> 44:24.660 the fact that we will never final only see that today and many 44:24.660 --> 44:28.290 of our partners many those folks are fight side by side by side 44:28.290 --> 44:32.900 with us every day are in yeah 35 program as well medicine incredibly. 44:32.900 --> 44:35.140 Important fact that sometimes we over a lot. 44:36.880 --> 44:39.930 One of the most specs and challenges of coalition warfare center 44:39.930 --> 44:43.660 up ability this airplane will make an rough ability and order 44:43.690 --> 44:44.930 of magnitude he's here. 44:46.690 --> 44:50.700 And as we walk also rations in the P rc export their capability 44:50.700 --> 44:53.990 around the world limits that can't to expand their influence. 44:54.510 --> 44:58.540 It is a Grammy minded that are are capability advantage over 44:58.540 --> 45:01.860 at this series is narrowing and the potential for a near pair 45:01.860 --> 45:05.330 complex is increasing it's something we have to think about and 45:05.330 --> 45:06.290 deal with every day. 45:07.600 --> 45:12.080 And here did the at 35 is a crucial part and ensuring our future victory. 45:12.950 --> 45:15.610 Not only well it's advanced capabilities allow us to operate 45:15.610 --> 45:20.160 effectively an eight to 80 environment that death 35 just like 45:20.160 --> 45:22.220 the at 22 was a force multiplier. 45:22.940 --> 45:25.790 Also these airplanes in widening in particular will make every 45:25.790 --> 45:29.320 single other airplane in the battle space that much better because 45:29.320 --> 45:32.680 what it brings to the fight and make every coalition airplane 45:32.680 --> 45:35.310 better and they give the some greater capability in the center 45:35.310 --> 45:37.220 just take effect across the bowels things. 45:38.290 --> 45:40.480 A post technologies only part of the answer. 45:41.080 --> 45:43.860 This is ben stated before it is incredibly true the real strength 45:43.860 --> 45:46.920 of our are forced has been and always will be arraigned. 45:48.160 --> 45:51.650 We're better trained more disciplined and more innovative than 45:51.650 --> 45:53.500 any force on the planet today. 45:54.480 --> 45:57.290 I know that than men and women here dealt with their trend in 45:57.580 --> 46:01.630 your discipline and most important late urine innovation is the 46:01.630 --> 46:05.770 key developing tactics techniques and procedures that will relies 46:05.770 --> 46:07.960 the full potential of this incredible aircraft. 46:08.790 --> 46:11.650 Our airmen will make the light means so much more than we ever 46:11.650 --> 46:14.870 thought possible once they get their hands on it and start taken 46:14.870 --> 46:15.630 advantage of it. 46:16.320 --> 46:18.950 And we need everybody in this five week every single ehrman as 46:18.950 --> 46:21.540 part of those were the smallest with ben and the history United 46:21.540 --> 46:25.360 States air force and everybody plays a part in the us from the 46:25.360 --> 46:28.810 C planners to the main painter's for the air traffic controllers 46:29.140 --> 46:31.900 to the planners across the spectrum. We need every single lemon 46:31.900 --> 46:32.170 and get. 46:33.950 --> 46:37.040 Posts on missions are not going away. They continue to grow. 46:37.630 --> 46:41.370 There's not a single comment on this planet that you do not head 46:41.370 --> 46:45.540 United States air force ehrman operating day and conducting operations. 46:46.370 --> 46:47.940 We face huge challenges. 46:48.620 --> 46:49.320 But I know. 46:50.070 --> 46:53.040 We're capable of meeting them because of our incredible or. 46:53.590 --> 46:57.080 Because they are our base mentored advantage against any of this year. 46:57.740 --> 47:00.740 Our job and life glazing gentleman is to provide our children 47:00.770 --> 47:04.270 and our children's children a safer more secure and better world 47:04.270 --> 47:07.195 than we grew up in and with the men and women here and the three 47:07.195 --> 47:11.030 88 and the for 19 I have no doubt will be able to do that. 47:12.550 --> 47:15.670 Would like to take one minute now than changes slope of the direction 47:15.700 --> 47:17.360 and introduce the next guest baker. 47:18.130 --> 47:21.160 In addition to be missing a share from your time is also a lawyer 47:21.190 --> 47:23.670 an accomplished musician and um other stuff. 47:24.440 --> 47:27.870 It was first elected to congress in 19 77 when jay jay and I 47:27.870 --> 47:31.080 were still appear force academy by forgot of polish or should. 47:32.140 --> 47:35.120 Is now the second most senior member of us senate and the senate 47:35.530 --> 47:36.570 president pro tim. 47:37.240 --> 47:38.810 Is also chairman of the senate. 47:39.430 --> 47:40.530 Committee on finance. 47:41.040 --> 47:44.180 I had a good fortune and pleasure work was centered ahead very 47:44.180 --> 47:47.930 closely for a long time. The is a statesman within our national 47:47.930 --> 47:51.800 leadership and I'm at respect him a man's life all that he is 47:51.800 --> 47:55.210 done for this nation and certainly with an apartment fence and 47:55.210 --> 47:56.420 the United States air force. 47:56.960 --> 48:00.510 Laden demo place. Tell me. Welcome center on have thanks. For. 48:15.250 --> 48:18.300 Well I want you to know I was here for me as texting will uh. 48:18.630 --> 48:22.480 I'm here for the up 35 and then to be here for the at 90 I. Watchful. 48:30.320 --> 48:30.670 A war. 48:31.460 --> 48:32.750 No it a move was. 48:33.330 --> 48:36.560 Blown away by the uh. I'm one of the hear you. 48:37.380 --> 48:39.380 The can why and joe injection. 48:40.490 --> 48:43.920 There's more can carbon bishop into a major their remarks. 48:44.600 --> 48:47.550 I was one affect my or from general bargain too. 48:48.480 --> 48:51.020 Issue in charge of the have 30 a. 48:52.490 --> 48:55.250 Wonderful editor of these are wonderful leaders about playing. 48:55.830 --> 48:57.490 And they are they for our country. 48:58.500 --> 49:00.040 A moderately with all of the the day. 49:00.830 --> 49:03.560 As we take the important step in the development background that 49:03.560 --> 49:04.850 breaking weapons search. 49:05.860 --> 49:07.020 Called me up for a fall. 49:07.740 --> 49:11.100 As we celebrate to stand up with their forces first operational 49:11.100 --> 49:12.390 every punch one them. 49:13.160 --> 49:16.690 We're demonstrating our commitment to the colors critical orange 49:16.800 --> 49:17.760 bowl few times. 49:18.380 --> 49:19.680 All americans into war. 49:20.270 --> 49:21.090 Fighting people. 49:21.620 --> 49:22.820 And ernest but french. 49:23.450 --> 49:25.870 We're mentioned were still live in the nation to protect the 49:25.870 --> 49:27.930 rights and liberties that we cherish. 49:29.180 --> 49:32.300 With the authority five our liberation even more secure. 49:33.280 --> 49:36.580 This weapon system will be a powerful of the term determined. 49:37.140 --> 49:39.250 That those animation which aired on our freedom. 49:39.770 --> 49:41.020 And destroy or breach. 49:41.900 --> 49:46.200 In protecting this nation against or post with the the a 35 no 49:46.520 --> 49:47.190 more than ever. 49:47.990 --> 49:51.660 Doing so requires that we sustain those weapons just them over 49:51.660 --> 49:56.020 its long like to that's a remarkable shows come and gone announcing 49:56.020 --> 49:57.260 that my lawn. 49:58.340 --> 50:01.630 Assembly wind sure. That's playing and fork where text. 50:02.310 --> 50:04.990 Issue remarkable remarkable lunch from of. 50:05.500 --> 50:06.590 Achieving this goal. 50:07.350 --> 50:11.280 Will require the for toned and dedication of our men and women 50:11.280 --> 50:13.280 in uniform are civilian workforce. 50:13.880 --> 50:17.660 Industry statistical version. Of course our international partners 50:17.830 --> 50:18.600 we have a number of. 50:19.480 --> 50:21.620 You guys ready to do it's hard and we will. 50:22.470 --> 50:25.980 The have 35 will stand ready to defend freedom for decades for to. 50:26.780 --> 50:30.600 And and celebrating the success of the StarCraft eielson wanna 50:30.600 --> 50:34.850 command the proud members of the three 88 and the for nineteen. 50:36.050 --> 50:37.750 Is fighter windsor horrific. 50:38.500 --> 50:39.140 If I can. 50:39.860 --> 50:43.940 I would just take a great moment to recognize and extend my gratitude 50:43.940 --> 50:44.940 to these men and women. 50:45.970 --> 50:48.860 You represent the very best our nation has to offer. 50:49.640 --> 50:50.760 Your devotion of honor. 50:51.260 --> 50:54.410 Joblessness integrity and courage. 50:54.930 --> 50:58.560 And bothers the very very handful of American berkshire. 50:59.310 --> 51:02.760 One of thank you for your plan for your commitment. And your 51:02.760 --> 51:03.430 sector for. 51:04.670 --> 51:07.720 I've been honored to support the government of the have 30 five. 51:08.370 --> 51:10.350 A show she project which channels. 51:11.030 --> 51:13.930 And I forget what the village of may have as have. 51:14.520 --> 51:16.310 Are as a whole delegation. 51:17.180 --> 51:20.290 Of to bring your forces first operations for and the hill. 51:20.900 --> 51:22.090 Even at the expense of. 51:23.120 --> 51:26.020 Wrote a rationing unquote for air force are projected. 51:27.510 --> 51:31.260 I've worked tirelessly a work this gold because I believe. 51:31.970 --> 51:35.520 In the a 35 mission i've always been over for that. 51:36.190 --> 51:38.700 And all of the there might of the solution. 51:39.370 --> 51:40.820 Our military in this state. 51:41.860 --> 51:46.040 Uh I play the knows you make of going in the for the first mission. 51:46.680 --> 51:50.010 And just as I believe Oliver five men and women who've made this 51:50.010 --> 51:50.990 project a rail. 51:51.770 --> 51:54.060 It's important for us to recognize. 51:55.110 --> 51:58.250 May we remain bridge and as we work together to improve best 51:58.280 --> 51:59.210 weapons system. 51:59.790 --> 52:02.060 And insurances statement for many years to them. 52:03.720 --> 52:06.660 Than the clothes for match thing that just today should go on 52:06.660 --> 52:08.070 was down in my basement. 52:09.910 --> 52:11.150 And I for my. Brothers. 52:13.200 --> 52:13.900 You were doing. 52:15.140 --> 52:16.100 The most were. 52:17.010 --> 52:17.510 Never wish. 52:19.190 --> 52:21.790 And some of the and the right are great just a fun. 52:23.940 --> 52:25.570 When we brought it back from. 52:27.650 --> 52:28.530 From the your. 52:29.730 --> 52:30.360 It was killed. 52:31.020 --> 52:33.100 Lying. From photo only. 52:35.480 --> 52:36.290 Over. Rector. 52:38.930 --> 52:40.870 A look they're worse in a lot. 52:41.760 --> 52:43.520 It was a those got out of a 20. Four. 52:46.360 --> 52:47.950 I can tell you there's our family. 52:49.250 --> 52:50.380 We're relations for. 52:51.060 --> 52:51.630 The german. 52:52.760 --> 52:54.450 We really should order moisture. 52:55.500 --> 52:58.780 We know what the show men and women and they showed us. 52:59.300 --> 53:03.520 Officer. But that to this country over all these years. 53:04.590 --> 53:05.010 We love. 53:06.990 --> 53:07.500 Which support. 53:08.620 --> 53:09.950 And then it continued to support. 53:12.050 --> 53:12.600 This state. 53:14.360 --> 53:15.140 The paper added. 53:16.320 --> 53:17.280 Armed forces stay. 53:18.780 --> 53:20.040 And that's good that way. 53:21.270 --> 53:24.920 Thanks to a show and people who showing so it was really impressed 53:24.960 --> 53:25.290 with the 53:26.510 --> 53:30.700 Thank you gentle thin with most of the For general Barbara has 53:30.700 --> 53:32.430 just really really tough joel. 53:33.350 --> 53:34.340 Thanks to him as well. 53:35.040 --> 53:38.230 And thanks to everyone of you airman every one of the margarine faults. 53:38.960 --> 53:39.520 We love you. 53:40.330 --> 53:41.100 We care for you. 53:41.900 --> 53:42.820 We're very high engine. 53:43.410 --> 53:44.140 Which support you. 53:44.950 --> 53:46.450 And the gosh we're gonna be which. 53:47.450 --> 53:50.510 God bless america quote russia for but here with the thank. You. 54:01.880 --> 54:06.700 Ooh woo. Ooh. Yeah. 54:08.930 --> 54:15.420 Yes. The as 16 design to be the best air to air tactical fighter. 54:15.920 --> 54:18.740 In the world's top going for almost three decades. 54:19.700 --> 54:24.580 The first operational at 16 and was delivered in january 19 70 54:24.580 --> 54:26.970 the to the three 88 to fly them. 54:27.850 --> 54:28.470 But for that. 54:29.850 --> 54:33.200 The singer rapper in now being played by the most innovative 54:33.480 --> 54:35.440 fifth generation fighter. Aircraft. 54:37.520 --> 54:40.890 This is where borrowed it's fun. It's in team milled is uniquely 54:40.890 --> 54:45.220 built for us we delivers america's first combat quoted that 16 54:45.220 --> 54:49.640 to 19 79 and now will do the same with america such comeback. Coated. 54:55.610 --> 54:57.870 Team ill there's excited to usher air in. 54:58.470 --> 55:03.170 America's and year for doing that generation combat quoted fighter. 55:03.710 --> 55:04.580 A 35 a. 55:06.470 --> 55:09.870 Oh okay I specialist you just we're out here every day deal with 55:09.870 --> 55:13.130 new jobs is always a different date is about the nine five uh 55:13.310 --> 55:15.580 the biggest thing for us is the stretches we make it. 55:16.180 --> 55:19.440 Bring answer five until is a pretty good to speak is always other 55:19.440 --> 55:23.050 basin constraining with the learning work. So hard to its greatest day. 55:23.390 --> 55:24.420 Come meals the real. Deal. 55:36.810 --> 55:42.020 As we prepared to bring india 35 we have had from a mold can support. 55:42.620 --> 55:46.000 We brought our community and and basically grounds he wrote what 55:46.000 --> 55:49.840 we knew that the potential to bring the first operation when 55:49.880 --> 55:54.010 here was on the horizon. So we asked him for their support in 55:54.010 --> 55:54.670 the gate. 55:55.280 --> 55:57.620 In the community has been on board. So stable. 55:58.610 --> 56:02.000 But this is gonna be a awesome the step for combat fighter. 56:02.340 --> 56:06.470 A fact it's just for is that the technology so domination of 56:06.470 --> 56:09.990 the fell in the center you did the pilot that the city will allow 56:09.990 --> 56:12.330 us to go places that that's 60. Going. 56:16.490 --> 56:19.460 We have a great offer to the border with the for me for everyone 56:19.720 --> 56:22.370 air combat command to fly the a 30 five. 56:23.700 --> 56:27.100 What makes killer force is the place for the the three five is 56:27.100 --> 56:27.550 the people. 56:28.150 --> 56:32.170 I will say the ehrman the expertise the longevity of sustainability 56:32.170 --> 56:34.720 to bring as a two to four to serve all portion. 56:35.240 --> 56:37.970 Our civic leaders or community partners. This is an impressive 56:37.970 --> 56:39.840 and relationship that I see what comes. 56:40.810 --> 56:43.910 In addition to the people we have access to the top test and 56:43.910 --> 56:47.070 training linked to the Depo the this year for life cycle. 56:47.660 --> 56:51.590 Your point this is just by for the perfect example of what history 56:51.590 --> 56:54.990 can what's it been made from the of 16 without to be a windfall 56:55.200 --> 56:56.410 there's no better place in the. World. 57:03.050 --> 57:06.970 That 45 of making your way to make them awakened avionics. 57:07.470 --> 57:08.520 Del that would. 57:09.260 --> 57:13.550 Allow or pilot and the world the old days and the ability to 57:13.630 --> 57:14.630 dominate. That. 57:19.790 --> 57:22.570 Quote we got them with a fine if they're going on the planet. 57:23.120 --> 57:27.210 We've got the fork over here for leadership are in duffield partner. 57:28.020 --> 57:29.820 And our strong local community. 57:30.480 --> 57:33.050 And we have the you thought that the brain drain with provide 57:33.100 --> 57:36.110 some of the most outstanding year facial finding were around 57:36.420 --> 57:38.970 I'm absolutely certain we will deliver kicks that.. Air. 57:51.920 --> 58:07.790 Air. While the begin to the stage to you to all military academy 58:07.900 --> 58:11.580 wider and the we burst a university chamber. Choir. 59:24.310 --> 59:25.840 Julia Mann. Oh. 59:27.850 --> 59:32.460 And as well oh no the And the us. 59:33.030 --> 59:36.220 Here. Just like she was an and then. 59:36.790 --> 59:39.040 On. A day. 59:39.730 --> 59:40.910 The so uh oh. 59:41.810 --> 59:43.120 To be in a me. 59:44.240 --> 59:44.780 A me. 59:45.430 --> 59:46.530 The that feels. 59:47.480 --> 59:48.210 Raid. On. 59:55.850 --> 59:56.240 And um. 59:56.930 --> 59:57.580 To be. 59:58.380 --> 01:00:02.770 Yeah. Is no I'm leery and 01:00:04.010 --> 01:00:07.190 Yeah and then to a gate. 01:00:07.880 --> 01:00:10.570 I The Is. 01:00:11.240 --> 01:00:19.050 And Thanks to andy and and dancing and does that mean all that. Time. 01:00:27.440 --> 01:00:41.920 I Um. So. Yeah.. City. 01:00:43.640 --> 01:01:42.220 City. I E. Yes. Yeah. Is. He. Is. Um. Um. 01:01:44.790 --> 01:02:00.600 Yeah. Yeah it is. Is. What. Uh. E. 01:02:01.570 --> 01:02:10.840 Yeah. I Is. 01:02:11.390 --> 01:02:12.900 Oh. Ease. 01:02:17.450 --> 01:02:19.520 A He. 01:02:21.920 --> 01:02:24.870 Ah. Yeah. The 01:03:40.360 --> 01:03:43.320 And now please. Welcome Colonel brawling in bread. Live. 01:03:56.910 --> 01:03:57.420 Good morning. 01:03:58.510 --> 01:03:58.940 The joy. 01:04:00.050 --> 01:04:01.200 We're not talking. 01:04:01.920 --> 01:04:03.920 A sugar read the script uh will be better known when I was going 01:04:03.920 --> 01:04:05.590 up to fall this acquired. 01:04:06.570 --> 01:04:08.990 That video and bees guest speakers. 01:04:10.270 --> 01:04:11.570 Thank you for that. 01:04:12.560 --> 01:04:13.930 Forces is a fantastic day. 01:04:14.690 --> 01:04:16.600 I'm humbled in order to stand up for you. 01:04:17.640 --> 01:04:19.690 And I'm a big boy things says between you and. Watch. 01:04:22.230 --> 01:04:24.870 So just colombia's second senior everywhere would you say and 01:04:24.870 --> 01:04:25.320 uh please. 01:04:26.020 --> 01:04:28.660 The gentleman to do the introduction free today is also the gender 01:04:28.660 --> 01:04:31.840 sponsor for the video that you just saw right before the core 01:04:31.900 --> 01:04:33.740 song you get all by itself.. Better. 01:04:34.250 --> 01:04:47.760 Better. He was in the air when you person which adopted a. 01:04:49.880 --> 01:04:52.470 Today. We are honored to be a part of history. 01:04:54.330 --> 01:04:56.510 History by definition is a retrospective walk. 01:04:57.020 --> 01:04:58.190 Into the events of our lives. 01:04:59.330 --> 01:05:01.530 You also don't know your part of it and to was passed. 01:05:02.750 --> 01:05:03.250 So Gideon. 01:05:04.460 --> 01:05:09.390 Today. We stand together as partners to establish the a 35 at 01:05:09.390 --> 01:05:10.270 killer forced base. 01:05:11.540 --> 01:05:14.610 Today you are surrounded by the best and brightest. 01:05:15.380 --> 01:05:18.840 Our airmen dedicated to their craft with a single focus. 01:05:19.530 --> 01:05:23.010 To bring the a 35 to full operational capability. 01:05:24.710 --> 01:05:28.290 Today. We pause to recognize the sacrifices of our families. 01:05:29.060 --> 01:05:30.780 Our community and our employers. 01:05:31.310 --> 01:05:32.540 For your selfless support. 01:05:33.780 --> 01:05:35.760 We reflect the community that we sir. 01:05:36.540 --> 01:05:38.370 Art came a strong instead fast. 01:05:39.020 --> 01:05:40.300 Our task is robust. 01:05:41.110 --> 01:05:44.450 But it is your resolute support which allows us to poor hearts 01:05:44.450 --> 01:05:48.520 and Souls into a tree in the next chapter in American aviation 01:05:48.550 --> 01:05:49.300 exception was of. 01:05:49.820 --> 01:05:50.610 The a 30 five. 01:05:52.250 --> 01:05:56.020 Today your word from artist english elected officials their force 01:05:56.020 --> 01:05:57.290 leaders in our industry partner. 01:05:58.420 --> 01:06:01.880 Missing fantastic videos one from the board of are forced to aircraft. 01:06:02.780 --> 01:06:05.680 Which just doesn't do justice of being actually on the assembly 01:06:05.680 --> 01:06:06.340 line for. 01:06:07.030 --> 01:06:08.180 Their work is impressive. 01:06:09.020 --> 01:06:10.340 And they're just getting. Started. 01:06:12.660 --> 01:06:15.500 Today we're on the two generations of airmen. 01:06:16.280 --> 01:06:19.010 They will be a 16 to well and faithfully serve in times of peace 01:06:19.040 --> 01:06:19.740 and conflict. 01:06:20.950 --> 01:06:25.390 Oh in 19 79 what of invasion vs 16 would be the ball fire rolled 01:06:25.390 --> 01:06:27.590 workforce that is become this nation. 01:06:28.820 --> 01:06:32.430 Who within can dream the possibilities for the best 35 over the 01:06:32.430 --> 01:06:33.860 next two generation. 01:06:35.240 --> 01:06:40.340 Today we returned beetle train and retain skilled craftsmen operate 01:06:40.420 --> 01:06:41.550 maintain and support. 01:06:42.100 --> 01:06:45.940 The a 35 and will also will do so for the next two generations. 01:06:46.560 --> 01:06:47.510 But total force. 01:06:48.070 --> 01:06:49.800 Our air force is ready. 01:06:51.380 --> 01:06:54.960 Today the dominance our nation are part of this magnificent platform 01:06:54.960 --> 01:06:57.570 behind me will be forged by the innovation ehrman. 01:06:58.430 --> 01:06:59.030 Our them. 01:06:59.850 --> 01:07:03.190 Today as symbolic to date is a reason to celebrate. 01:07:04.930 --> 01:07:06.360 But today the ceremony will land. 01:07:07.630 --> 01:07:10.680 The station behind me moby disassemble a life brought down. 01:07:11.360 --> 01:07:13.540 And that beautiful aircraft mohammed towed back. That's right 01:07:13.540 --> 01:07:14.650 the place on a flight line. 01:07:15.710 --> 01:07:19.190 We're ready for this date and we're ready to be a part of history. 01:07:20.180 --> 01:07:21.180 For tomorrow. 01:07:22.040 --> 01:07:26.120 Our airmen great an amazing year men's of a or will get about 01:07:26.120 --> 01:07:29.230 our nation's business of flying. Maintaining of supporting the 01:07:29.230 --> 01:07:29.920 a 30 five. 01:07:31.110 --> 01:07:34.440 We will develop the up 35 into the dominant platform. It was 01:07:34.440 --> 01:07:35.390 an vision to be. 01:07:36.380 --> 01:07:37.550 IMAX technology. 01:07:38.430 --> 01:07:40.390 Unprecedented systems integration. 01:07:41.180 --> 01:07:44.220 And and her low innovation we'll we'll be got 45 to hold any 01:07:44.260 --> 01:07:45.170 adversary of a. 01:07:45.920 --> 01:07:47.140 What any target at risk. 01:07:47.710 --> 01:07:50.570 And provide our joint and coal issue partners than necessary 01:07:50.570 --> 01:07:51.550 degree of precision. 01:07:52.130 --> 01:07:54.470 Bubble today's and tomorrow's fights. 01:07:55.580 --> 01:07:56.240 I mean ehrman. 01:07:57.410 --> 01:08:00.660 I'm proud to welcome the a 35 to build and I'm proud to like 01:08:00.660 --> 01:08:02.810 you know that from an air minced perspective. 01:08:03.800 --> 01:08:07.530 The have 35 is right we the key to the future of our force. 01:08:08.900 --> 01:08:11.080 As stated activity and the bigger Min's creed. 01:08:11.690 --> 01:08:12.830 We will not falter. 01:08:13.350 --> 01:08:14.820 And we will not fail. 01:08:15.430 --> 01:08:19.540 We will bring the a 35 to four operational capability. 01:08:20.600 --> 01:08:22.060 Thank you for being a part of history. 01:08:22.910 --> 01:08:23.860 Thank you for your support. 01:08:24.710 --> 01:08:25.870 Thank you lockheed martin. 01:08:26.690 --> 01:08:29.750 Thanks for distinguished guests and thank you to team help. 01:08:31.060 --> 01:08:34.460 And a special thank you to those who worked tirelessly to make 01:08:34.460 --> 01:08:36.400 this special event a success. 01:08:36.980 --> 01:08:37.710 Well done. 01:08:38.330 --> 01:08:39.510 We all their. Power. 01:08:51.200 --> 01:08:54.300 Ladies and gentlemen please stand for the singing of the air 01:08:54.300 --> 01:09:21.140 force all at the departure of the official party. Yeah. 01:09:55.340 --> 01:09:59.280 He. A little molding for those abused attending the luncheon 01:09:59.320 --> 01:10:03.330 please exit for the door as on your right outside but luncheon 01:10:03.360 --> 01:10:09.300 air you're you'll be able to view of the 38 at 16 and F 30 five. 01:10:10.010 --> 01:10:13.550 Like you again for attending and have a great therefore stay..