New testing hours small win for Reservists Published April 28, 2021 By Natalie Stanley 926th Wing NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- The 926th Force Support Squadron, Education and Training office, now has the capability to administer Career Development Course and Professional Military Education testing for wing members during Unit Training Assembly weekends at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Prior to the change, wing members had to be put onto orders or come to the base on their own time to test during weekday active duty hours. “Many of our Reservists have demanding civilian jobs or school and could not make testing times, leading to our wing members expiring on their testing requirements,” said Senior Master Sgt. Daniel Ryan, 926th WG education and training flight chief. The training office has worked with their active duty counterparts at Nellis AFB to ensure their Reservists now have the ability to test during drill weekends. Ryan said while the new testing hours may not seem noteworthy, it is a big win for the wing. “For years we have not had the capability of testing our own members and have had to rely on other organizations,” said Ryan. “Now we can take care of our own Airmen and are excited to be able to offer improved resources to the wing.” For current CDC and PME testing hours contact your Unit Training Managers.